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Yucca Mountain

On February 1, 2010, federal budget proposal for fiscal year 2011, starting on October 1, 2010, was unveiled. This new could potentially cut funding for the Yucca Mountain licensing process while allocating resources for a new nuclear waste management strategy, along with credit subsidies for renewable energy and energy-efficient initiatives.

Subsequently, on March , the Department of Energy formally withdrew its pending license application for a permanent geologic nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain “with prejudice,” preventing the DOE from reapplying the future.

the request of President Obama, Energy Secretary Steven Chu formed the Blue Ribbon Commission on America’s Nuclear Future, tasked with recommendations for managing the latter stages of the nuclear fuel cycle, including the storage, processing, and disposal of civilian and defense nuclear waste.

The Native Community Action Council (NCAC), representing Shoshone and Paiute tribes, was admitted as a party to the licensing legal processes and raised three objections against the facility's licensing. NCAC argued that the lands atcca Mountain are still Indian lands, a claim deemed legally viable by the judges, who acknowledged theoshone's claim as a "cloud" the U.S. title assertion, although they did not accept that the land was reserved under the Treaty of Ruby Valley.

Furthermore, the NRC NCAC's right to argue that the environmental review of the proposed facility inadequately considered the potential harm to the cultural practices of the Shoshone and Paiute people.

NCAC will continue to actively participate in the licensing proceedings and monitor developments related to Yucca Mountain.

Indian Perspectives on Yucca Mountain (Video)

Resources to learn more about Yucca Mountain:

Clark County Nuclear Waste Program 

State of Nevada Nuclear Waste Project 

Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management 

Nuclear Regulatory Commission 

Environmental Protection Agency 

Yucca Mountain Project

For any questions or general inquiries:

Call (702) 865-2787

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